Condolences - Refaat Farouk Mahran

“Blessed are those who dwell in Your house; They will still be praising You. Selah”
-Psalms‬ ‭84:4 ‭

With hearts full of trust in God‘s promise that we leave earth on the hope to join the crowd of saints in the paradise of joy, the church offers its condolences to the families of Victor Mahran and Sue for the departure of his father, Refaat Farouk Mahran.

Condolences and offering respect will take place tomorrow from 5pm-8pm at:

Holy Resurrection Church
11828 West Washington Blvd
Los Angeles, CA

We pray for the family’s comfort and consolation of the Holy Spirit.
Victor Mahran +1 (310) 466-4875
Sue Mahran +1 (310) 854-2779

We will announce further information when we have them. May God repose his soul and continue to grant His comfort and His mercy to the family and friends.


All Saints Night - Registration Open


Funeral Services - Dr. Mary Attalla Mikhail